Banda El Recodo de Cruz Lga: Musical Performance at the Mexican Embassy

A music performance event welcoming Banda El Recodo de Cruz Lga to Japan was held at the Mexican Embassy on the 2nd of May. 

Banda El Recodo, performs in Japan after 22 years.

Established in 1938, the Banda El Recodo de Cruz Lga (Banda El Recodo) performs traditional Mexican music originating in Sinaloa. This is the second time for the band to visit Japan, the last performance in Japan being 22 years ago.

“We are grateful to be back after 22 years to perform the music of Banda El Recodo,” says the vocalist, Ricky Yocupicio. He also showed his gratitude to the Mexican Embassy and the Mexican Ambassador to Japan, H.E. Ms. Melba Pria for hosting the event. 

Banda El Recodo de Cruz Lga (Banda El Recodo) performs traditional Mexican music

With the wish to bring the beauty of traditional Mexican music to Japan, the band performed many of its classic hits at the embassy. The room was filled with joyful music, with many of the audience cheering and dancing until the end of the event.

Banda El Recodo was also invited as a special guest to perform at the Festival de Camino a Latinoamerica held at Odaiba from the 3rd of May till the 5th. Bringing traditional Mexican music loved by many, we hope for Banda El Recodo’s visit to Japan for the third time.   

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