Celebrating Tunisia’s 66th Independence Day

Tunisian ambassador

Tunisia became independent on March 20th, 1956 and celebrated its 66th anniversary this year. Tunisia is known for being one of the most famous tourism-oriented countries in the world. The Tunisian landscape and nature are so beautiful that Hollywood directors have filmed movies there, including “Star Wars”.

Due to Tunisia’s remarkable economic development, it is in the position to lead African countries. Tunisia is also the host country for the 8th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD8), which will be held from August 27th to 28th 2022.

Celebrating Tunisia's 66th Independence by Hersey Shiga

H.E. Mr Mohamed Elloumi has been staying in Japan and has a strong network of contacts in many industries. He is also known as a Japanese connoisseur who understands the feelings and emotions of the Japanese. This Independence Day celebration was a very small-scale event because of the Corona pandemic. Despite this situation, many members of parliament, corporate representatives and more were all present at the reception.

This year’s TICAD will accelerate the development of Tunisia. There was a peaceful atmosphere among the ambassador, his wife and the guests. Everyone held high expectations for TICAD and the national reception, and the participants were able to have a face-to-face connection after a long time of social distancing and remote events.

The message by H.E. Mr Mohamed Elloumi is as follows:

Ladies and gentlemen, all protocol observed,

Let me welcome you, on behalf of my Spouse and colleagues, in the celebration of 66th Anniversary of Independence and warmly thank you for joining us.

I am really glad to have this great gathering and meet face to face, as we witness an improvement in the pandemic situation in Japan and around the world, and still in line with the preventive measures; we opted to celebrate this cherished occasion, on a small scale, unlike last year when the celebration was online.

I would also like to extend my sincere gratitude to the Government of Japan for its long and determined standing on the side of Tunisia since its independence, with endowing a strong economic and social support through financing great developing projects. These strong ties between the two countries were also showcased during the time of Covid-19 through the provision of medical equipment. To all our Japanese partners and friends from the different spheres of decision, I extend to you my sincere gratitude and deep appreciation. 

Let’s together concentrate our joint efforts to further consolidate our partnership, already covering a wide range of sectors, and launch new bilateral projects in which our two countries bring together innovative solutions based on high-technology, new means of connectedness and people to people exchange, or as our Japanese friends call KIZUNA. 

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Tunisia has chosen irreversibly the path of freedom and democracy. Sharing the same values, Tunisia and Japan, together with the International Community, will continue to work together, to face with courage and resilience the current global challenges, including the Russia-Ukraine crisis, and hence pave the way toward a post-Covid 19 world order, based on human solidarity, multilateral cooperation, rule of law and mutual trust. 

I think that we are starting to perceive the light at the end of the tunnel of this pandemic, as countries around the world are easing border controls and the World Health Organization started to send positive messages. So now is the time to boost further our cooperation and seize all opportunities to overcome the circumstances of the pandemic which hit our economic and social life hard.

And there will be no better opportunity than the TICAD 8 Summit in Tunis on August 27 and 28, 2022, to strengthen further the cooperation between our two counties and also with the African continent. This high-level dialogue, which will gather political leaders, business community and other organizations representatives from Africa and Japan, will be one of the first diplomatic events in the post Covid-19 world, where mutual benefits and win-win partnerships will be our locomotive to face the old and new economic and social challenges.

Tunisia, host country of TICAD 8, is keen to make this event a successful physical gathering. And while looking forward to the announcement by the Japanese Government of the Summit format, I seize this occasion to reiterate my strong and sincere wish to see a big and strong Japanese delegation in Tunis, conducted by H.E. Mr. Kishida Fumio, Prime Minister of Japan.

Besides TICAD, Tunisia is hosting this year, the Francophonie Summit which will be held in the beautiful island of Djerba, on November 19th and 20th.

These two summits demonstrate and confirm the position of Tunisia as a gateway, not only on a geographical scale but also on cultural, diplomatic, business and knowledge scales. 

Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen 

Thank you for sharing with us this moment of celebration and we always rely on your support to strengthen the bonds of friendship between our two countries.

Arigato gosaimasu. Thank you very much.

His Excellency Mr. Mohamed ELLOUMI, 
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tunisia to Japan

Celebrating Tunisia's 66th Independence by Hersey Shiga
H.E. Mr Mohamed Elloumi and his spouse welcoming guests of honor

For more information on Tunisia visit: Embassy of Tunisia

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