Commemorating the 65th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations Between Indonesia and Japan

Bringing Indonesia’s Diverse Culture Together”Exploring Indonesian Beauty” Held

2023 marks the 65th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Japan. Indonesia and Japan have a deep and friendly relationship since 1958. Also in this year, Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan made an official visit to Indonesia, their first official goodwill visit since the Emperor’s ascension to the throne in 2019. In this memorable year, numerous events related to Indonesia are being held throughout Japan, and there are opportunities to see its diverse culture.

This summer, “Exploring the Beauty of Indonesia with Hideo”, a collaborative exhibition between the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Tokyo and Hideo Tokyo was held at JAXSON Co., Ltd. HIDEO TOKYO in Akasaka, Tokyo. It showcased the diverse culture and crafts that have been passed down from various parts of Indonesia. Attendees were able to see the way Indonesian people’s lives in several traditional areas.

The exhibition hall itself was divided into five themed areas. Indonesia is famous for its batik technique in Japan, and the differences of each batik patterns varies considerably depending on the region. The exhibition also showcased a remarkable and unique Indonesia’s traditional architecture.

Commemorating the 65th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations, Exploring Indonesian Beauty Exhibition
Commemorating the 65th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations, “Exploring Indonesian Beauty with Hideo” Exhibition

The five themed areas mentioned above are as follows:

1. Islands in eastern Indonesia: Sumba and Flores

Here we introduce the activities of Yori Antar, who is working on a project to revitalize traditional architecture and traditional textiles.

2. Central Java Island

The exhibits showcase valuable collections, materials, and tools owned by Fusami Ito, Representative Director of the Cross-Cultural and Traditional Crafts Exchange Association (CCAA), a general incorporated association that has been working for many years to pass on the techniques of hand-painted batik.

3. West Sumatra

Introducing Sativa Sutan Aswar’s activities to pass on the techniques of songket, a beautiful and delicate handwoven cloth with gold, silver, and colored threads. One of her noble missions is to improve the lives of the weavers. At the same time, Mr. Aswar’s collection and books were on display.

4. North Sumatra

On display were Ulos, traditional hand-woven fabrics originating from the Batak tribe, owned by Torang Sitorus.

5. Indonesian Embassy in Japan Collection

On display were traditional shadow puppets, known as Wayang Kulit and Wayang Golek, which usually accompanied by dramatic storytelling depict mythologies, based on religion and traditional events.

We hope you will also be able to participate in another exhibitions and events related to Indonesia that are being held across Japan. We want you to see Indonesian culture up close and feel its splendor personally.

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