Bill Hersey’s Partyline, April 1986

Knocking this out late afternoon in April. It’s turned out to be a beautiful day but unfortunately started out damp enough that Australian Ambassador Sir Neil and Lady (Geraldine) Currie and the staff of the Australian Embassy had to cancel their 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Spring Garden Party. It’s a shame, as the cherry blossoms are always really beautiful at the Embassy, there’s always a lot of interesting people at the party and it’s Australian hospitality at its best.
Writing this, I am late in getting this column together and to Corky for this issue’s deadline. It took me over an hour to drive from Roppongi to my pad in Tomigaya earlier today. Traffic is terrible now, will be worse when you read this and continue to get even more complicated and difficult through the Summit, Prince Charles and Princess Diana’s visit. As you hear everywhere, don’t drive if you can avoid it the next few weeks. Better yet, if possible, get out of the country altogether. Here are some highlights of April.
Kathleen Turner honored at Metropole
As you know by the last few columns, Kathleen Turner, considered one of the foremost actresses to emerge in films in many years, was in town for about a week. In addition to being a judge at the Tokyo Music Festival, Kathleen worked with Twentieth Century Fox Japan’s office in promoting the film “Jewel of The Nile” in which she co-stars with Michael Douglas.
During her Tokyo stay, Mega MTV, which represents her in Japan for commercial rights, gave a party in her honor at the popular Metropole Restaurant. The guests were mostly from advertising agencies or prospective commercial clients. Exceptions were U.S. Counselor for Public Affairs Jack Shellenberger and his wife Soodabeh. Kathleen, daughter of a foreign service diplomat, was “really glad to” meet Shellenberger in Tokyo.
In addition to being one of the most glamorous and fashionable (all Cerrutti) people around, Kathleen has maintained her earthy and easy attitude toward life and the many people she meets. An exceptional woman in every way.
Above, U.S.. Counsellor for Public Affairs Jack Shellenberger, the gorgeous and talented actress Kathleen Turner, Jeffrey Klein of Mega MTV Inc. and Sooda-beh Shellenberger. At left, Metropole supervisor Ron Obrand lights up for the evening. Below, mannequins Mary Jane, Nikky and Nancy make a pretty trio.
Defense Secretary Weinberger honored by Mansfields
It’s almost impossible, but nevertheless U.S. Ambassador and Mrs. Mike Mansfield have been even busier than usual the last few weeks and their schedule’s not about to lighten up until well after the Summit Conference is over. On Apr. 4 they held a reception at their residence in honor of visting U.S. Secretary of Defense Caspar W. Weinberger, his wife Jane and the Secretary’s dele-gation.
During the Weinbergers’ three-day stay in Tokyo, he saw Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, Foreign Minister Shin-taro Abe and Japan Self Def-ense Minister Koiji Kato. From here, he and his delegation went on to the Philippines and Australia before returning to Washington.
Because of their super-busy schedule, the guests of honor were a little late. Once they arrived they joined the Mansfie’ds and Mrs. Koiji Kato, wife of the Japan Defense Agency Director, in the receiving line. Later Secretary Weinberger moved into the main reception room and chatted with the guests. Jane Weinberger stayed in the reception hall where she seemed to enjoy talking with Maureen and some of the Mansfields’ guests. She and Tokyoite Eloise Cunningham found they shared common interests, but in different fields.
Mrs. Weinberger writes children’s stories and Eloise, as you know, writes music for children and heads Music for Youth and. Young People’s Concerts here. As you can see by the photos, there was most of the “big brass” from both the American military in this area and the Japan Self Defense Forces. It was really nice seeing former Tokyoite William Sherman at the Embassy. Bill was here as U.S. Minister Counsellor for several years and he and his wife Mary Jane, who now live in Washington, D.C., have many friends in Tokyo. It was also good to see another former Tokyoite, dancer Lonnie Gordon. Lonnie, who had done a series of performances in Ko-rea, stopped in Japan for a few days to see his friend Chiye Hachisuka before he re-turned to the U.S. where he now teaches.
Senegal Nat’l Day celebration at Otani
Actually I’m typing this column on Apr. 29, the 85th birthday of Prince Mikasa’s brother, HIM Emperor Hirohito of Japan. It’s a National Holiday and happily the rainy weather we had yesterday has cleared up. On the diplomatic scene, Senegalese Ambassador Kiba Birane Cisse hosted a mid-day reception at the Hotel New Otani on the occasion of Senegal’s National Day. It was a stag affair and the many guests included diplomats, Japanese government officials and business leaders. Our congratulations on that special day.
Glamorous people at the recent Tokyo Music Festival
On the 16th Gloria Askew, head of the popular agency, gave a birthday dinner party at Ristorante La Scala for her daughter Nicola who just turned 22. From La Scala they moved over to the Lex where no less than the members of Starship, U.S. pop star Charlie Sexton, Sergio Mendes, and Spago’s super chef-owner Wolfgang Puck joined in the festivities which included a cabaret style show, a huge cake, champagne and boogieing on into the a.m.