Bill Hersey’s Partyline, January 1986

I’ve been putting this week’s column together on the go and, believe me, Tokyo’s party scene seems a million miles I started writing this away. Party Line poolside at the new Club Med in Phuket, Thailand, -a place that simply has to be (and should be) seen to be believed. I got completely caught up in things going on in that tropical paradise, got very lazy and just put off writing (or even thinking about) the column until a few days later at the Oriental Hotel’s Veran- dah Restaurant overlooking the Chopuri River in Bangkok.
This romantic city and the Oriental have inspired many writers over the years, but I found the activity on the river and in the city much too ex- citing and diverting to sit around and write Weekender stories. I finally mozied back to the column on Thai Air’s 8:45 a.m. Flight #TG604 to Hong Kong and finally finished it in the Hong Kong Hilton’s bar. It was a super travel experience -but more on all that in a later episode.
Countess of Effingham’s gala reception
Over at the superb French restaurant Pachon in Daikanyama, Suzette, the Countess of Ef- fingham, was hostess at a people-packed and exciting dinner party in honor of her son and daughter-in-law, Anthony It was Anthony’s birthday and the Countess flew in from London to be with him and Claudia for the occasion. Anthony heads Gartmore Investments offices here; Claudia is a well- known international journalist.
The buffet at Pachon’s was superb and Lady Effingham a had invited an interesting group of Tokyoites from all over the world to share the evening.
I brought world-renown photographer David Hamilton and, since his representative in Japan, Sho Kawazoe, was hosting a party that same evening to open his beautiful new restaurant The Metropole, we had to leave Pachon’s much earlier than we would have liked. I heard later that the party went on for several hours and about 75 bottles of champagne were guzzled down before the last guest toddled homeward. fact, Cork told me that the owner, André Pachon, had to make an emergency trip to his other restaurant, Ile de France in Roppongi, for several more cases of bubbly when Lady Effingham’s guests proved to be thirstier than they’d planned. So it goes in the big city.
Republic of Haiti President’s Tennis Tournament ’85
During his three and a half years in Japan as Ambassador of the Embassy of the Republic of Haiti, Jean-Claude Bordes has proven himself to be a very capable diplomat, a good friend and a real mover. In addition to his regular duties as the top representative of his country in Japan, he’s always looking for new ways to promote Haiti and to improve international understanding and friendship.
Along this line, he asked a friend of his, Mr. Iwase, man- ager of the Haruna Tennis Re- sort in Gumma Prefecture, to help him organize an international tennis tournament. led “The Republic of Haiti Presidential Cup Tennis Tournament,” the competition took place late last year. Diplomats from 22 countries, members of their families and Japanese friends participated.
After the exciting games there was a party in the resort’s club house where the winners were awarded prizes. The tournament and the party were both some of those much-needed events during which people forget political differences and rivalries, meet in friendly com- petition, have a fine time and become close companions. It was a complete success in every way.
Int’l disco tycoon Regine honored by Sophie, Gilles Weil
There were more celebs in town, but only. for one day. Regine who has been dubbed “Queen of the Night” stop ped by Tokyo on her way to Kuala Lumpur for the opening of her new club there. Regine’s main reason for stopping in Tokyo was to see her friends, Gilles and Sophie Weil, who live here. Regine’s birthday was just a week or so away, so the Weils invited a small group of friends to their plush pad to help Regine celebrate.
Other special guests at the birthday-dinner party were model-actress Mariel Heming- way and her husband Stephen Crisman. Both were traveling with Regine as special guests for the new club’s opening par- ty. Stephen, a very successful restaurateur, first met Mariel at New York City’s Hard Rock Cafe, which he played an im- portant part in establishing. They had celebrated their first wedding anniversary on Dec. 9 a few weeks before coming to Tokyo.
I had the privilege of sitting next to Mariel during dinner and enjoyed every minute of it. She is all-American and really a knockout lady in every way. I’ve talked with her several times on the phone since she and Stephen returned to NYC and they invited me to the opening of their new restaurant, Sam’s Cafe, at 1406 Third Avenue (80th Street) on Jan. 24. Drop by if you’re in The Big Apple.
It was one great evening with Gilles, Sophie and their friends. Sophie was also at the Club Med opening in Phuket and went on to join Gilles in Paris before they both came back to Tokyo. Regine “owner of 14 posh clubs in five countries” has just received the Chevalier of Arts and Letters from French Culture Minister Jack Lang.
Diana Lane’s grandma comes to visit Tokyo from Cowtown
Popular young actress Diane Lane here for Max Factor, for which she has done a series of TV commercials. Diane was accompanied by her father Burt, a professor at New York City College. During her visit she took part in the Adult’s Day Festival and there was a big party to celebrate her 21st birthday on Jan. 22. She was also here when a Diane Lane Fan Club was formed by her young Japanese supporters. A real sweet girl who’s definitely going places in show biz.
Lovely and talented young motion picture actress-also very large in Japanese TV commercials Diane Lane makes a pretty picture in kimono as she celebrates her Adult’s Day along with mil- lions of Japanese girls turning 20 this year. She celebrated her birthday while in Tokyo, as a matter of fact. A terrific young lady who has an unlimited future ahead.
Below popular American actress Diane Lane with Dentsu’s Masayuki Fujii; Diane’s grand- mother Virginia Lane who hails from Fort Worth, Texas; Mrs. Fujii, and Dentsu’s Keiji Matsushima. The group was enjoying dinner at the popular La Scala restaurant.
Newsweek’s Japanese edition launched by Katharine Graham
The spanking new Japanese language edition of Newsweek was launched at a mammoth reception at the Okura in late January attended by Katharine Graham, Chairman of the Board, Washing- ton Post Co./Newsweek; Japan’s Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone; U.S. Ambassador Mike Mansfield and Keijo Saji, Chairman of TBS-Britannica (and Suntory) which is producing the mag.
Elegant piano recital at Turkish Embassy
Turkish Ambassador Nurver Nures and his wife Aydan, as I’ve mentioned before, are and among Tokyo’s busiest most popular couples. In addition to their many diplomatic duties, they really put forth a great deal of time and effort in promoting Turkey’s culture and furthering good relations and better understanding between their people and the Japanese. A few weeks ago they hosted a splendid evening at their home with a piano recital by noted Turkish pianist Glusin Onay.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t stay for the concert but did go by early to thank Nurver and Aydan for the invitation and to take a few photos. It also gave me the opportunity to talk with TIH Prince Tomohito and Princess Nobuko of Mikasa, special guests that evening. Although the styles were much different, Princess Nobuko and Aydan were wearing exactly the same color dresses…a Turkish blue. Kazuko Aso, mother of the Princess, also looked very elegant that evening in what she described as her Turkish-style dress.
Christian Dior Monsieur shows latest fashion collection
On the fashion scene, Christian Dior Monsieur recently showed their collection in a series of shows in the Nissan Building in Roppongi. The collection was designed by Christian Charrat for Kanebo, C.D. Monsieur’s licensee here in Japan. Titled “Un Certain Regard” with special emphasis on the “film look” (Bogart, Gable, Dean, etc.), the clothes have the elegance and flair the fashion conscious have come to expect from anything Dior.
I was a little embarrassed, but also felt very much with it as much of what I wore to the show was purple (shirt, socks and stripes in a black jacket) and purple is the color C.D. Monsieur features in their ’86 fall/winter collection. Chris- tian put a lot of talent and work into the fashions and it showed. He’s off about now for a holiday on the Maldives and a business trip to Europe.
Debbie Smith, art director for a new quarterly magazine called Rag, was at the Dior show and told me a bit about Rag which will hit the news- stands here Apr. 1. The publication’s concept is “to be a for fresh flowing images of Japan…especially in the promotion of Japanese arts and fashion abroad.” It will be in English with a supplement in Japanese.