Bill Hersey’s Partyline, March 1986

I know the Capitol Tokyo gets its share of celebrity hut surprised when I went in there one day recently and saw “John Lennon,”‘ “President Reagan,” “Sylvester Stallone” and “Marilyn Monroe sitting at table in the hotel’s Garden Cafe. If you watch TV you probably saw them as well as NTV brought this group plus several other “look-alikes” here for a special.
The strange part of it all for me is that they were sitting at exactly the same table where I had coffee with Yoko Ono and John Lennon many years back when the hotel was still under the management of the Hilton. Yoko, by the way, will be coming here to do concerts in May.
Kuwaitis fete 25th year of independence
Speaking of special days, our Kuwaiti friends celebrated their 25th year (Silver Anniversary of the Independence) of the State of Kuwait on Feb, 25. To celebrate the occasion, Kuwaiti Ambassador and Mrs. Abdul Mohsin S. Al-Haroun threw a grand reception in the Ho-Oh Room of the New Otani.
The host and hostess dressed in national costumes and Saham Al-Haroun’s blue- and-gold dress was beautiful. They greeted the more than 500 guests at the entrance for the first hour and joined their guests during the last hour of the reception.
The entire staff of the Kuwaiti Embassy also wore national costumes and it was quite evident everyone had worked to make the national day celebration a glittering event. In the center of the room there was a huge ice carving of a dhow, those traditional ships that have long been and still are one of the main means of trade among the Gulf countries.
Huge photos of Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al- Sabah, Amir of the State of Kuwait, and Sheikh Sa’ad Abdullah Al-Sabah, Heir Ap- parent and Prime Minister, sat among a long line of floral tributes from Japanese companies.
Kuwaiti music in the background, the showing of a video on the country and its development and a variety of Arabic foods in the buffet set the mood. I arrived early so had the opportunity to chat with U.S. Ambassador Mike Mansfield, also among the first there. Other special guests included former Minister of Construction Yoshiaki Kibe. It was a marvelous evening, perfect for the occasion. Our congratulations.
Volpicellis’ dinner honors newly arrived Italian Ambassador
Another evening, in their beautiful Azabu apartment, Italian First Counsellor Dino Volpicelli and his lovely wife Koko gave a dinner party to introduce their friends to newly arrived Italian Ambassador Bartolomeo Attolico. The Ambassador has a long and very distinguished diplomatic career and was alone that evening, but I did have the opportunity to meet his wife Nicolette a day after her arrival a week or so later at Dior’s fabulous evening to introduce their new scent, “Poison,” on the market here.
As always, Dino and Koko had gathered a very impressive and interesting group of friends for the dinner. Daini Okada’s catering service provided the food, a wonderful selection of light, tasty and unusual Chinese dishes.
Elegant reception for Saudi Oil Minister Sheikh Yamani
There was also a very special evening over at the New Otani Feb. 28 when Saudi Arabian Ambassador and Mrs. Fawzi Shobokshi and their daughter Reem were hosts at a splendid reception for visiting Saudi Minister for Petroleum and Mineral Resources Sheikh and Mrs. Ahmad Yamani.
The host and hostess greeted guests at the entrance of the Tsuru-no-ma Room which had been decorated in Arabic style. Attending were top Japanese government officials, diplomats, bankers and leading businessmen.
When the guests of honor, Sheikh and Mrs. Yamani arrived, they went into the main reception room with Ambassador and Mrs. Shobokshi and moved slowly through the crowd meeting and chatting with the many guests. Even though they had a hectic and busy schedule prior to the reception, the handsome couple took the time to meet almost everyone and even obligingly posed for photos with many of the guests.
Shiekh Yamani has gained a great deal of power (and press) since I first met him some ten years back, but he remains a genuine person who is not only interested in the welfare of his own people, but people from all corners of the world as well. It was a privilege to see him again and meet Mrs. Yamani. My thanks to the Shobokshis.
Gala Casino Night at Canadian Embassy: a fine time for Tokyo’s high rollers
In what is becoming a Tokyo tradition, the Canadian Embassy recently held a gala Casino Night with holders of the most chips winning scads of valuable prizes. Many attended the evening in black tie and formal wear, giving a glint of glamor to the event. Above, from left: Ambassador Barry Steers and his outgoing wife Martha were genial hosts for the evening of blackjack, poker, roulette and Bingo. Canadian First Secretary and Consul Robert Palmer and his friend Toshiko Kaida. Emcee for the evening and awarding all the fine prizes Is Bob Fairweather. Pat and Guy Johnson of the U.S. Embassy had a fine time; unfortunately, they’re making plans to leave for a new posting soon.
Interesting faces at the Hanae Mori show Above, left: World-famed fashion designer Hanae Mori with Italian designer Nicola Trussardi.
St. Patrick’s Day celebration a big hit at Irish Embassy
.Just about everyone was wearing a bit of the green the evening of Mar. 17 at the residence of Irish Ambassador and Mrs. Sean G. Ronan. It was, of course, St Patrick’s Day. I wasn’t able to get there at noon when they held a similar reception for the diplomatic corps so joined the crowd that included most of the Irish community that evening.
It was a casual, relaxed affair with good food, good company and, from what I heard later, good Irish music and dancing. I was host at a birthday par-ty for a couple of models at a Roppongi Club and the Irish musicians were just coming into the Ronans’ party as I left. I love Irish music and dancing and wanted to stay for the rest of the St. Patrick’s Day celebration. Heard it was fun.