Bill Hersey’s Partyline, September 1986

In September National Day celebrations include Qatar on the 3rd and Saudi Arabia on the 23rd. Independence Day celebrations are Brazil the 7th; Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua on the 15th; Mexico the 16th; Papua New Guinea, also the 16th; Chile the 18th, and Mali the 22nd. Bulgaria celebrates Liberation Day the 9th, Ethiopia People’s Revolution Day the 12th and Yemen Arab Republic the 26 September Revolution Day on, naturally, the 26th.
At the Tokyo International Trade Fairgrounds you have the Japan Home Show ’86 from the 16th through the 20th and Autotech ’86 from the 24th through the 28th. The big event on the cultural calendar is a series of performances by the Royal Opera at NHK. Dates were the 15th, 21st and 26th. It was a busy month indeed. Let’s have a look at some of the highlights.
Saudi Arabia National Day
On Sept. 24, the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia and Madame Fawzi Bin Abdul Majeed Shobokshi were hosts at a gala reception at the New Otani on the occasion of the National Day of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It was evident that great care and planning by the Shobokshis and their daughter Reem had gone into making the evening the finest possible. Which is certainly was.
The hosts, dressed in elegant black-and-gold national costume, warmly greeted each of the more than 600 guests as they passed through an arched entrance especially set up for the reception. There was a huge ice carving of a palm tree, part of Saudi Arabia’s national emblem, mountains of intricately carved fruit, a lavish buffet of both Arabic and western foods, huge trays of dates rolled in sesame seeds, special coffee served in beautiful glass-and-gold cups encrusted with the national seal and flowers everywhere.
Guests included top Japanese government officials, diplomats, business leaders and familiar faces from the arts and entertainment world. In addition to enjoying the buffet, guests had the opportunity of watching video tapes that showed many special events during last year’s visit of His Royal Highness Prince Faisal Bin Fahaddin Abdulaziz and his youth delegation to Japan. Other outstanding developments in Saudi Arabia were also screened for the guests.
In addition to having a chance to chat with many friends I hadn’t seen for some time, the party gave me the opportunity to meet several interesting people for the first time. These include newly arrival Iraqi Ambassador and Mrs. Rashid Al Rifai and El Salvador Ambassador and Senora Ernesto Arrieta Peralta. Also happy to have the chance to talk with long-time friend Esmat El-Gammal. Somehow I had the idea he was returning to Egypt. Well, he’s not. He’ll be staying here and has opened his own office, Egypt Tours. I have had the privilege of traveling with Esmat to Egypty and, believe me, he knows his country and makes visiting there a real pleasure.
The Saudi celebration was a glittering and memorable event for everyone who attended; perfect for that special occasion.
Gala birthday blast for Misa Watanabe brings out the stars
“I’m not so happy about another birthday, but I am happy about this party.” That was Misa Watanabe talking, just after she and visiting rock superstar Freddie Mercury (Queen) blew out the candles on her cake. Misa, as you know, is honcho of Watanabe Productions here.
The party was organized by her husband Shin and their two daughters, Mild and Mayumi; they held it in the spacious garden of the Watanabes’ California style home in Hiroo.
Booths serving sushi, yakitori, tempura and soba had been set up around the lantern-lit garden, there was a long table covered with Chinese food and, in the center of the garden, three kimono-ed ladies performed the Japanese tea ceremony.
The Watanabes have long headed one of Japan’s top showbiz empires and guests that evening included some of Japan’s best-known entertainers, political leaders and top business figures.
I really enjoyed seeing Michio and Kazuko Ochi again. Michio is a member of the Diet and Kazuko is the daughter of former Prime Minister Takeo Fukuda. They’re a marvelous, outgoing couple who enjoy being with people and having a good time. Hiroyuki Suzuki was there with his wife, designer Junko Koshino, and their son, Yoriyuki. He’s a great-looking and very outgoing boy who spent most of the evening helping the cooks make yakitori.
Freddie Mercury told me he was just here on vacation and planned to go to Kyoto the next day for three or four days of sightseeing and relaxation. He also said that Queen has lots of plans for new LPs and more tours, but dates haven’t been finalized as yet.
It was a great evening at Shin and Misa’s. They’re special people and very special friends. Happy Birthday, Misa, and many more to come.
Bill Hersey with superstar Janet Jackson (right). If you heard Janet’s interviews, you know she digs Kansai’s fashions.
Partyliner Bill Hersey and Satosan of the Lexington Queen get together with members of the Popular group Till Tuesday —vocalist Aimee, manager Randall Barvera, Joe Molli and drummer Michael Haysman.
Showbiz manager Michael Pacino, singer Jed and John F. Wilson from Joe Jackson’s office in Los Angeles. Jed’s record with Latoya Jackson will be released here in mid-November.