Bill Hersey’s Partyline March 1983

I’ve been running the last few weeks …not just around Tokyo, but out of the country as well. First there were three very much needed days away from it all. Saipan was fully booked (one of those golf tournaments), so flew another 20 minutes over to Guam where I really relaxed at the Hilton International Hotel there. I also drove down to the village of Merizo and took a speedboat over to the recently opened Cocos Island Resort. As I’ve mentioned before, a dear friend Jurgen Voss (formerly with The Oriental Hotel in Bangkok for many years) is now Food & Beverage Manager at Cocos Island. It’s a really super resort, and a perfect place to get away from it all. But back to some highlights of what happened in Tokyo.
Moroccan Ambassador hosts glittering reception
On Mar. 4 Moroccan Ambassador Abdeslam Tadlaoui and his wife Zoubida held a glittering reception at the New Otani. The occasion was the celebration of the 22nd anniversary of the Ascension to the Throne of His Majesty King Hussan II. The guests were a marvelous mix of diplomats, government officials, business leaders, famous faces from the arts, entertainment and fashion worlds — and the cream of both Japanese and foreign society.
For the occasion, the Ambassador wore a djellaba, the native costume of his country and Zoubida a gorgeous kaftan complemented by hundreds of pearls made up into a Moroccan-style necklace.
U.S. Ambassador Mike Mansfield and his wife Maureen were there and really seemed to be enjoying themselves and stayed much longer than usual. I also enjoyed talking with former Minister of Foreign Affairs Zentaro Kosaka and his personable wife. That really is an exceptional family. Didi Toulouse introduced me to Swinston Jarrett, the Consul of Liberia and recently arrived Czechoslovakian Ambassador Gustuv Smid. I appreciate that.
The bountiful buffet included huge platters of couscous and that always brings back memories of Marrakech, one of my all time favorite places to vacation. It was a beautiful reception in every way, perfect for the occasion. Our congratulations to the Tadlaouis, and our other Moroccan friends on that very special day.
That same week there were all kinds of special hotel happenings around town. Unfortunately, I was really busy getting ready for a quick trip to Guam and another quick trip State-side, so didn’t make it to any of them. They included the opening of the Imperial’s new Tower annex and individual openings of several boutiques (Dunhill’s, Nina Ricci’s, Cartier’s, etc.) in the annex, and the opening of the beautiful new Akasaka Prince Hotel, which you know is the work of noted architect Kenzo Tange.
Wedding Celebration of Jorge Osorio and Sayoko Hasegawa
Here in Tokyo, on March the 4th, Jorge H. Osorio, Commercial Counsellor at the Colombian Embassy, married Sayoko Hasegawa. To commemorate the event, they held a reception at the Tokyo Hilton Hotel.
Guests included diplomats, business leaders and many people from the fashion world. Sayoko’s family holds big interests in Kanebo. Jorge’s parents and brothers had all flown in from various parts of Latin and South America for the wedding and reception.
I arrived rather late so missed the several changes of clothing that are customary for both the bride and groom at a wedding reception here. Maria Elisa Yanagihara told me that the traditional Japanese wedding dress Sayoko had worn was really exceptional.
The buffet, as always at the Hilton, was superb and the glittering, glamorous reception was perfect for the occasion. Our congratulations to Jorge and Sayoko and we wish them a long, happy life together.
Egyptian Reception at the New Otani
On the 8th, Egyptian Minister Saad Abbam, also Chargé d’Affaires at that time, hosted a reception at the New Otani Hotel in honor of visiting Egyptian Minister of Tourism and Civil Aviation Tawfiq Abdou Ismail. The Minister, accompanied by his wife and several other officials of the Ministry, was in Japan on a six-day visit to further promote tourism from Japan to Egypt.
Guests that evening included diplomats, government leaders and the most important people in the travel and tourism business here in Japan. Familiar faces included former Diet-member Takeyo Nakatani, now President of the Japan-Arab Association, and noted artist Taro Okamoto who’s been in Egypt several times. Jean Pearce, in Egypt recently, was there and she and I compared notes on our experiences in what has to be one of the most interesting and exciting countries in the world. Egypt is really an outdoor museum and the Egyptians, who have been called “the Italians of North Africa” are a marvelously happy and friendly people.
Jan-Michael Vincent in town for The Winds of War
Film actor Jan-Michael Vincent here to promote the TV special “The Winds of War” which TV Asahi will start broadcasting on Mar. 27. Michael, as laid back as ever, feels “Winds” is just what he needed to really pick up on his acting career and says, “I like having something I’m proud of and can talk about.”