Bill’s Partyline October 1st, 2010

It’s always nice to have one of the world’s top actors, Leonardo DiCaprio back in town, and I always enjoy talking with him about his fantastic career. I first met Leo through our mutual friend Robert de Niro. I am happy to say he’s comfortable with his superstar title and has stayed the nice guy he was the first time that I met him. His Japan tour was planned to promote the box office hit “Inception.” As expected, there was a huge turnout of Leo’s fans at the premiere and everyone I talked to really enjoyed the film. Tokyo International Film Festival chairman Tom Yoda was there, and he told me he and his staff are really busy preparing for TIFF in late October. They have some good things coming up, and Warner Bros. will be releasing the latest in the Harry Potter series soon. We saw the trailers, and I am sure it will be a big hit.
The Abdelnasser’s Colorful, Crowded Egyptian National Day Reception
Egyptian ambassador Walid Abdelnasser and his wife Dahlia are a very popular couple, and there was a big turnout for the recent celebration of Egyptian National Day at their Aobadai home. The two greeted guests in the courtyard at the entrance to the residence, surrounded by a bubbling fountain, statues of Egyptian gods and colorful traditional fabric — the perfect setting for the happy occasion. I chatted with Ibrahim Khalil, the Egyptian tourism man in Japan, and was happy to hear the number of people visiting Egypt, one of the world’s most interesting destinations, is growing all the time. I’ve been there about 10 times and would be happy to head out to Cairo again tomorrow. Egypt really is one of the best travel experiences there is. World traveler and fashion designer Junko Koshino was there and looking super chic is always. Junk’s recent events included a fashion show in Cuba and an Argentine nite of tango, wine and fashion here in Tokyo. She’s so talented and so active.
Azerbaijan’s Repuplic day celebrated in style
Kudos to Ambassador Nagiz Huseyn, his wife Nargiz and the people of Azerbaijan on their republic day. To celebrate they head a glittering reception in the Fuji room at the Imperial Hotel. Nargiz as always looked like she stepped right out of the pages of Vogue magazine. The huge ice carving of Azerbaijan’s most famous landmark, the maiden tower stood high in the center of the party venue. Guests that evening included top ranking Japanese Government officials, diplomats and business leaders as well as many of the Huseyn’s son Adnan’s Temple University classmates. I was really happy to have the privilege of meeting the ambassadors mother Zohra Huseynova who was visiting here at that time. In talking with her and Adnan I was very impressed when he told me about the many decorations she had received from their government. Needless to say I was very sad when I heard this exceptional lady passed away a few months after she returned home to Azerbaijan. God bless her soul.
Nightlife in Tokyo stays busy and fun as well. The New Lex, where I do client relations etc., has had a full schedule of parties the last few months and many more to come. There was a rocking cast party for the broadway musical “In the Heights” and another for the South African musical “Drumstruck.” Electric sunglasses company’s monthly Nitebirds parties are always wall to wall with international models, Japanese show biz stars and other interesting people. American Idol Adam Lambert (the guy with lots of make-up who looks good) brought his way-out looking band and dancers to party at the club. They really were nice and really know how to party. Adam was here doing concerts for Udo International Productions. At the party, I wondered why everyone was looking up, and then I saw this huge guy who I learned was the South Korean K1 fighter Che Hon Man. Boy does he stand out in a crowd. After the Formula 1 race, many of the drivers and their fans headed for the Lex to party all night.
*First published at the Tokyo Weekender
*Images Copyright: Tsukasa Shiga