A Special Collaboration of Toyohiko Nishijima and Shogo Kariyazaki

Toyohiko Nishijima and Shogo Kariyazaki

Toyohiko Nishijima, a Japanese-style painter who continues to explore new ways of expressions in search of new possibilities for Japanese painting. Nishijima feels that flowers invite the viewers to a world of fantasy and endless inspirations.

This has motivated him to continuously challenge himself and work on his art, and it has brought forward a unique collaboration between painting flowers and ikebana. Together with renowned flower arrangement artist, Shogo Kariyazaki, a wonderful exhibition came to fruition held at the venerable flagship store of Mitsukoshi in Nihombashi, titled: “Toyohiko Nishijima Japanese Painting Exhibition: A Day with Flowers – Special Exhibition of Collaboration between Japanese Painting and Ikebana”.

This exhibition features flower painting works by Mr. Nishijima, who attaches great importance to caring for nature and making the best use of its materials. Kariyazaki, a Tokyo native who studied ikebana at the age of 24, is known in Japan for his decorative, yet often extravagant approach to the traditional art of flower arranging.

This collaboration does not only celebrate the beauty of flowers and their powers to inspire generations but also has as deep benevolent purpose.

Project “Flower ball” for children with Dyslexia

In this exhibition, as an environmental improvement project for children with Dyslexia in Japan, 100 works of “Flower ball” will be exhibited, each work donated independently. Nishijima thought of launching a project to help these children through the power of flower pictures. The “flowers” that reflect Nishijima’s thoughts are painted with gentle colors and would greatly help these children.

Toyohiko Nishijima

Born in Kohoku Town, Nagahama City, Shiga Prefecture in 1966. He was brought up near Lake Biwa, an area alive with nature, in close proximity to trees, water, flowers, insects and birds. This was the basis for his animistic beliefs.

After graduating from high school, he found work and paid his own way to enter Art College. There he met the painter, Hirohiko Nakano, who taught him about the philosophy and spirituality of painting and the creation of forms. He made his debut as a solo artist at an exhibition in 1993. He has been a painter for over 20 years. His creative passion is continually evolving as he explores new possibilities and ways of artistic expression in the world of Japanese art.

For more information visit:

Toyohiko Nishijima Official Site: https://nishijimatoyohiko.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nishijimatoyohiko14/?hl=ja
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%E8%A5%

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